Gobble on my peeps!

I cannot believe it has been since March that I last wrote to you! Just in time to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Hope this finds everyone doing well! Dad and I will be going to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast with all the fixings. And a new dessert that Christina found that sounds amazing! It is called “Junkyard Salad!” My dad made it this morning and said it was extremely easy to make! He just had to taste and said it was yummy! It calls to refrigerate overnight, so I am waiting! I will let you know how it is? We will be watching the Cowboys game! On a side note the Packer’s will be playing before the Cowboys and go I will be sure to watch that one! So go to the boys and to the Packers!!

So I think I am just going to send this for now because I have procrastinated on getting this out. I was planning to write what has been going on with me for the past 8 months. But this will take me longer than what I anticipated. I am thinking I should focus on doing smaller posts and not making everything so wordy, LOL! That is what happens when you have voice dictation software on your computer! It is a good thing to have, but is not always the best. It is a man-made product and not perfect, LOL! Shown he shown

Gobble on, Stephanie!

One thought on “Gobble on my peeps!

  1. Oooh, I can’t wait to hear about this special salad! You guys have a very special Thanksgiving feast! Will Christina be joining you? Will your brother? Well, even if it just you too, have a delicious and thankful (I know you always are) day and I’ll be waiting with bated breath to hear how everything was!
    Gobble gobble to you too! 🦃🍽❤️🤗


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